Wednesday, August 1, 2012

14 Advertising Techniques That Crush Guerilla Marketing

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his response 14 Advertising Techniques That Crush Guerilla Marketing

1. Personal Facebooking - Facebook is The social media outlet. Where the eyes are, is where you need to be (in some capacity). But the key to translating Facebook into revenue is not in ads on the side of the page. It's not setting up a fan page with daily specials. The key to turning Facebook into cash is in personal messages. You don't have to be friends, but you do have to already have to know their name. So this isn't an advertising technique as much as a buyer relations technique that translates into revenue. I use this recipe to drive repeat sales. Ex. Hey Breanna, It's Adam from so-and-so, I saw you bought our thingamajig in March and it just went on sale! And if you pay cash, you will get 15% off. Hope to see you soon. I also use this to reach out to customers that haven't bee in a while. Ex. Hey Jessica, I haven't seen you in a while. I hope you had a great summer and I hope to see you soon! I'm truthful not to include a sales pitch in this message. I never send Facebook messages more than once/2-3/months. Just remember, keep it really personal so it feels like a conversation instead of a solicitation.

14 Advertising Techniques That Crush Guerilla Marketing

2. Keyword-Heavy Domains - I have an anchor webpage, that is, my main site where I want traffic to flow. Then... I have my keyword-heavy websites (17 and counting). These are domains that I purchased to help me with Google/Yahoo organic results. These domains are extremely specific to my enterprise and geographical location. Ex, I own a tanning salon in Tuscaloosa, Al. My traditional website is But I also buy tuscaloosatanning dot com, tuscaloosatanningsalons dot com etc, You get the idea. Which ones do you buy? Ask yourself this question- "If I just moved to Norfolk and wanted to find a coffee shop, what would I type in Google to find one"? Odds are you type something like "coffee shops in Norfolk, Va". Buy that one. Use a keyword tool to find what population are searching and then buy them. Build a static, easy page that has a lot of text info and links to your anchor site

3. Online Reviews - To maximize your local results on search engines like Google and yahoo, get a handful of friends and family to "write a review" of your business.

4. More Videos - Google likes videos. Facebook likes videos. YouTube likes videos. population like videos. Customers like videos. Make more videos. Use graphic titles that include your enterprise name. No longer than 2 minutes. Be creative. Use Tube Mogul to disseminate.

5. Press Releases - Don't use this technique if you don't have anyone lively to say. If you wouldn't see your idea on the five-o-clock news, then you don't need to do a press release. It has to be newsworthy. It has to be huge. It has to have impact. I send press releases when I have a major event planned. Not only will you get links online, but free exposure on Tv, newspaper etc. About your huge newsworthy impact. If your enterprise is small, regional, national or global; submit to digg, prweb, local Tv stations, newspapers, relevant magazines etc.

6. Chalking - This is one of the best Roi marketing techniques out there. Find out where population are walking and chalk it up. 5-10 words max. I do this monthly.

7. Relevant Cross-Promotionals - I administered a examine to 40 of my customers and asked them to name three local stores they frequent (other than Wal-Mart, Publix etc). There were a lot of businesses in common. I now know where my target demographic goes shopping, eating, drinking etc. These are the businesses I partner with.

8. Bathroom Ads - If you don't want population finding the name of your enterprise when they tee-tee then don't use bathroom ads. But if you are a tanning salon near a university, then I'm request every bar owner in town if I can affix my laminated, color flyers to the back of the stall door in all of the ladies restrooms.

9. Club Flyers - There is no better place to buy your enterprise cards, 4x6 postcards, flyers and banners than For brand recognition, I have an array of different cards on hand. I go to apartments, parking lots, dorms, and social events and disseminate my cards.

10. Micro-Specials - I've found that extremely targeted specials work very well. Downtown Savannah workers, learner special, Active military discount, etc. Whoever your target demographic, develop a special for them and advertise where they are. This is when I print special 4x6 postcards specifically for this special and distribute where these population are.

11. Hand-Written Letters - Older customers will appreciate this much more than the younger demographic. I write my loyal customers a letter at Christmas, thanking them for their enterprise and loyalty. I let them know without them, I wouldn't be in business. That's it. Be honest. Nothing cheesy and no sales pitches. I always say something personal like "Tell Jeff I said hey". Just something to show you care about them and you better care about them; they are your livelihood.

12. Complements - This is other buyer relations technique. population don't want to hear about you. They want to talk about themselves. Furthermore, they want you to listen to them talk about themselves. So ask questions about what's going on in their lives. Listen and make a mental note so you can supervene up the next time you see them. Pay them a complement. Don't shower them with complements. One good complement a month is perfect. "Did you darken your hair, it looks really good", "I like those shoes", "You look nice today" This is powerful.

13. Personalized Rewards - Find out which customers you want to reward. Whether it's loyalty or the estimate of money they spend; personalize their rewards based on what they have bought or valued in the past. This will drive repeat sales and increase buyer loyalty.

14. Our Price/Competitors Price - Value. Salvage money. These are prominent things, but rarely do we see the savings in front of our face. When you are at Office Depot you don't see Staples' price on the same tag. Imagine if you did see this. I would remember that Office Depot's price was better than Staples the next time I need printer ink. If you are able to do this-Do it. Keep it tasteful. Show population that we give you the best product or service for the best price.

Copyright 2010 Tanning Oasis

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